Hiking with children
Hiking with children and watching the little ones discovering their new surroundings is great fun. To make a family hike an untroubled experience for everyone, there are – depending on the age of the children – some things to consider.
Age-appropriate hiking
1-3 years (toddler age)
Even the youngest children can be taken hiking in a backpack. However, as they can hardly move in it and are fully exposed to the weather, regular breaks must be taken.
The tour should not exceed a total duration of three to four hours. The climber must be able to cope with the conditions of the trail in order not to endanger the child's safety.
The tour should not exceed a total duration of one to two hours.
3-6 years (pre-school age)
As soon as children are a little older, they like to explore their surroundings independently. Bäume and rocks, forest playgrounds and watering holes are excellent ways to keep the little ones happy.
Exposed paths and paths with a danger of falling are taboo. In total, the hike should not take longer than four hours.

When hiking with children, be sure to allow enough time Photo: Maria Sbytova, Adobe Stock
6-10 years (early school age)
At this age, children's stamina and physical condition increase. Longer hikes of up to five hours become possible. Steeper sections and climbing passages can be overcome with the appropriate training and assistance.
10-14 years (school child age)
Increasingly demanding goals can be set. The children often already have good stamina, the body strength increases and the movements are harmonious.
With appropriate hiking experience, even multi-day tours with a stay in a hotel can be planned. Here, too, a reasonable walking time of six to seven hours should not be exceeded.

Photo: Nicholas Felix/peopleimages.com, Adobe Stock
Equipment for hiking with children
When hiking with children, make sure you bring enough food and have the right equipment.
A sufficient drinking supply (children drink about 1.5 to 2 times more than adults), carbohydrate-rich food for regular refreshments on the way, spare underwear, rain protection, sun protection and ankle-high hiking boots are essential.
Children like to carry some of their things on their own. However, take care that their backpack is well-padded and not too heavy.
So that you are always safe and comfortable on tour, we have created an overview of all the equipment you need.
Safety when hiking with children
The safety of the children is the highest priority. Avoid danger by proper route planning (length of the route, trail conditions, weather forecast, etc.). You are not allowed to take children on routes that you cant handle yourself safely.
In safe and manageable terrain, children should always lead the way. This way, you can keep an eye on them and assist. Younger children should be taken by the hand in places where there is a danger of slipping or falling. Alternatively, they can be secured with a chest or waist belt and a short rope.