How to pack your backpack
A well-packed backpack not only ensures that your equipment is well sorted and easy to find. The right packing technique also makes an enormous contribution to the stability and comfort of your luggage.
Only pack what you really need!
This is the first and most important rule when packing your backpack. It should be as light as possible and weigh no more than 25% of your body weight. For an adult weighing 70 kg, 18 kg would be the absolute maximum. For hikes with a lot of elevation, the weight should be even lower.
On a short hike, it is not difficult to keep the backpack weight low - on extended day hikes in the mountains or on a long-distance trek with camping equipment, things quickly look very different.
Keep your backpack organized
Do not pack your bag without a plan. You do not want to risk unpacking and repacking all of your things constantly and - most importantly - you want your luggage to feel as light as possible. With good organization, the carrying experience will be much more comfortable.
Most larger backpacks have a separate bottom compartment. It is best suited for large but light objects, such as the sleeping bag or down clothing.
In the main compartment, heavy objects (e.g. a tent) should be stowed close to the back and as close to the shoulders as possible. This is the only way to ensure that the rucksack does not pull you backward. Medium-heavy items such as clothing can be put further away from the back.
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For a better organization in the main compartment, individual bags come in handy. The waterproof versions even are an excellent alternative to rain covers. It is also advisable to always carry one or two plastic bags for dirty laundry and dirty shoes.
Both the lid compartment and the small outer compartments are reserved for small items that you want to have within easy reaches, such as your cellphone and camera.