Sweden is an excellent destination for long-distance hiking. The Scandinavian country offers water, forests and mountains without end. Sweden stretches 1,500 kilometres from north to south and has a coastline of 6,700 kilometres. Whether you hike from village to village in the rather flat to slightly hilly Süden or set off for the beautiful, lonely Fjäll landscape in the far north: There are wonderful long-distance hiking trails with unforgettable views and experiences in nature to discover.
The most beautiful long-distance hikes in Sweden

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Open the Route PlannerSweden: A dream destination for relaxed long-distance hiking
Long-distance hiking is probably the best way to really get to know the country and its people in Sweden. Especially, of course, on the famous Kungsleden, but there are many other varied and well-signposted long-distance trails to choose from. The south is a harmonious hilly landscape with pretty villages, where even less experienced hikers can get along well. The north, with its fjords, heaths and mountains, offers exhilarating nature experiences in lonely and enchanted areas. There are also many guided walks in Sweden all year round.
Kungsleden: Hiking on Sweden's longest long-distance trail
A classic in Sweden: the Kungsleden – the King's Trail – is one of the most beautiful hiking trails in Sweden, if not in the whole world.The more famous northern section runs for around 440 kilometres along the forested border with Norway into the mountainous fell regions of the far north, into Swedish Lapland and through several national parks. Between Abisko and Hemavan in the north, the landscape even takes on an alpine character. The more peaceful stretches (350 km) from Sälen to Storlien are characterised by heath landscapes and marshy areas.
Wilderness, dense forests, lively mountain ranges and Sweden's highest mountain, Kebnekaise, with a height of 2,117 metres, await you. It is located on the 105 km section between Abisko and Nikkaluokta, the most popular section of the entire trail. You can do this part of the Kungsleden in about a week.
How long does it take to hike the Kungsleden?
You will need about a month to complete the whole trail. However, the duration of your stage tour is variable due to the numerous possible entrances and exits. The individual stages of the Kungsleden vary in difficulty from easy to demanding. From Kvikkjokk to Ammarn, the loneliest section of the Kungsleden awaits you: it takes you 166 km through the wilderness. Along the King's Trail you will also pass the Sarek National Park. On the long-distance trail, you have the opportunity to spend the night in a hut about every ten to 20 kilometres. Either way, hiking on the Kungsleden is a real experience!
Good equipment is important on the Kungsleden
For any tour that takes you through areas without much infrastructure over several days, you should invest time in planning your equipment carefully.
In addition to a backpack and sturdy shoes, your standard equipment should include a tent, cooker, LED headlamp and protection against mosquitoes. You should also be well equipped with warm hiking clothes, as it can get very cold in Sweden's north, even in August. Also bear in mind that the night is short here in summer and you may need blackout to get enough sleep.
The entire Kungsleden consists of eight sections. Of these, five sections and 440 kilometres are on the northern Kungsleden. You need to think carefully about where you want to start and what distance you want to cover. For newcomers, a stage of about 5 days in the middle of the trail is recommended. You could start in Ammarn and then walk about 80 kilometres through the Vindelfjällen nature reserve to Hemavan. Or you can hike about 80 kilometres from Saltoluokta to Kvikkjokk. The journey is made via Sweden's excellent rail network from Stockholm to Östersund and then onwards by Länstrafiken bus.
Every 10 to 20 kilometres, there are rest stops with simple accommodation and saunas, often located by a lake. At altitudes of over a thousand metres it gets noticeably colder. Magnificent mountain panoramas and moraine landscapes line the long-distance hiking trails, and you might even meet a herd of reindeer on the way. Romantic nature, glacial streams and wild mountains will be deeply imprinted in your memory.
Skåneleden: 1,300 km through southern Sweden
The Skåneleden is a network of hiking trails totalling 1,300 km, divided into six sections. These trails are in turn divided into stages. Depending on your preferences, you can vary whether you take a day trip on one part of the trail or whether you go on a longer hike. The long-distance trail takes you through the province of Skåne in southern Sweden.
You will discover the region's impressive nature and rich wildlife. Skåneden is very varied: along the coast you will be fascinated by cliffs, Baltic Sea dunes, sandy beaches and the sea, while long beech forests, deep gorges and rocks, beautiful national parks and numerous lakes await you inland. Lonely walks through picturesque fishing villages contrast with lively stretches that take you through cities like Malm, Hamsleholm, Ystad and Båstad. The towns are ideal starting points for individual day trips: unlike in the far north, the starting and finishing points of a tour are easily accessible, making half-day or day trips much easier to organise.
Hiking in Central Sweden: Soermlandsleden
If the Kungsleden is too demanding for you, the Sörmlandsleden offers pure relaxation during long-distance hiking. It is located in central Sweden in the region of Södermanland not far from Stockholm and is one of the longest long-distance hiking trails in Scandinavia. The 1,000 kilometres of long-distance hiking trails stretch across the landscape like a net. While hiking, you will discover the different facets of Sweden: a unique landscape with forests and lakes, surrounded by rivers, historical sights and typical Swedish towns and villages, some of which are located on the Baltic Sea coast.
Here you can choose between around a hundred stages of varying degrees of difficulty, ranging from shorter walks to challenging hikes over 20 kilometres. Almost all starting points are served by public transport, so that tours can be planned individually. You can stay in hostels or hotels along the way. Or you can simply take your camping gear with you and spend the night in the great outdoors.
The Sörmlandsleden leads from Stockholm through the Swedish province of Södermanland through untouched landscapes, cultural landscapes and to ...
In Astrid Lindgren's footsteps
And you can also hike to your heart's content outside Sweden's two most prominent long-distance hiking trails: for example, on the 450 km long Höglandsleden in the province of Småland. On this tour we pass the Katthult farm, which many of us know from Astrid Lindgren's story Michel from Lönneberga. The tour ends at the Astrid Lindgren Museum in Vimmerby. The long-distance trail is characterised by the numerous lakes and extensive forests in southern Sweden. Small campsites with shelters, fresh water sources and firewood can be found along the way.
The Astrid Lindgren theme park is not directly on the trail, but can be reached by bus from Marainnelund and is definitely worth a visit.
Höglandsleden is a 450 km long long-distance hiking trail in the Swedish province of Småland. Following in the footsteps of the famous characters ...
From Gothenburg to the Norwegian border...
...the long-distance hiking trail Bohusleden leads. On a total of 370 km we hike through the provinces of Västergötland and Bohuslän through dense spruce forests, extensive moorlands, über heaths and agriculturally used meadows and fields. The stages lead through varied terrain - dense spruce forests alternate with moorland and heathland. Most of the time you will be far away from civilisation.
Other beautiful long-distance hiking trails in Sweden include the St. Olavsleden pilgrimage trail and the Utvandrarleden emigrant trail.
