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The 10 most beautiful pilgrim walks in the Pyrenees

Pilgrim Walk
· Spain
Via Tolosana
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937.4 km
268:00 h
14,328 m
13,917 m
The Via Tolosana is one of the four great French Camino de Santiago and is considered the wildest and most adventurous of the four routes.

Pilgrim Walk
· France
Via Lemovicensis
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922.3 km
250:00 h
9,576 m
9,686 m
The Via Lemovicensis is one of the classic pilgrimage routes in France and runs through central and south-western France as part of the First Cultural Route of Europe.

Pilgrim Walk
· France
GR 65: Via Podiensis
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742 km
215:00 h
11,957 m
12,454 m
The Via Podiensis is one of the four historic Pilgrim's Ways of Saint James in France and runs through the regions of Auvergne, Languedoc-Roussillon, Midi-Pyrénées and Aquitaine.

Pilgrim Walk
· France
CF 01 Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port - Roncesvalles: On Roland's tracks across the Pyrenees
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Stage 1
24.6 km
8:30 h
1,307 m
475 m
From Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port, the route crosses the Pyrenees and the French-Spanish border to the monastery of Roncesvalles. Numerous monuments along this route remind us of the famous knight Roland.

Pilgrim Walk
· Spain
CF 02 Roncesvalles - Larrasoaña: With Roland's steps through Basque villages
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Stage 2
27.2 km
8:00 h
319 m
817 m
From the abbey of Roncesvalles we walk through mountain forests and small Basque mountain villages to Larrasoaña, discovering the erratic blocks „Pasos de Roldán“ – the steps of Roland.

Pilgrim Walk
· Spain
Camino Francés: St. Jean - Roncesvalles
recommended route
Stage 1
25.8 km
7:45 h
1,356 m
560 m
Der Camino Francés beginnt in Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port am französischen Fuss der Pyrenäen und endet in Santiago de Compostela. Er ist der frequentierteste Abschnitt aller Jakobswege, denn die meisten Pilger kommen schliesslich auf dieser Achse nach Santiago.

Pilgrim Walk
· Spain
CF 03 Larrasoaña - Pamplona: Through the Arga Valley to the bullfight in Pamplona
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Stage 3
15 km
4:15 h
115 m
160 m
We follow the course of the Río Arga downstream to the bullfighting city of Pamplona, where we can see the many sights of the city.

Pilgrim Walk
On the Way of St. James to Santiago de Compostela (Camino Francés)
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Multi-stage route
788 km
211:00 h
11,089 m
11,055 m
The Spanish Way of St. James leads us in 33 stages from the French Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port over the Pyrenees to Navarre and the vineyards of Rioja. Through the Castilian cultural city of Burgos and the barren expanses of the Meseta, we reach León, the last major city before Santiago de Compostela. From there we walk over the Montes de León and through the green hills of Galicia to the tomb of St. James - the goal of every St. James pilgrim.

Pilgrim Walk
· France
Via Lemovicensis: Sauveterre-de-Béarn - Ostabat-Asme
recommended route
Stage 35
25.4 km
7:07 h
547 m
447 m
Die Via Lemovicensis, in Frankreich auch «Voie de Vézelay» genannt, ist einer der Haupt-Pilgerwege in Frankreich. Er verbindet Vézelay im Burgund, schon im Mittelalter ein wichtiger Pilger-Sammelpunkt, mit Saint Jean-Pied-de-Port.

Pilgrim Walk
· France
Via Podiensis: Ostabat-Asme - St. Jean-Pied-de-Port
recommended route
Stage 32
22.4 km
6:04 h
287 m
276 m
Die Via Podiensis beginnt in Le Puy-En-Velay und führt uns nach St. Jean Pied de Port. Sie entspricht dem Fernwanderweg 65 und ist markiert mit der Muschel und mit rot-weissen Balken.
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Camino Francés by Aldo
December 29, 2023
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Route done on May 26, 2023
CF 01 Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port - Roncesvalles: On Roland's tracks across the Pyrenees by giampaolo
November 21, 2023

Chapelle Saint-Bernard by Joël
May 02, 2022
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