Winterberg, located in the Hochsauerland district, is a popular destination for mountain bike enthusiasts. The town is characterised by its picturesque location in the heights of the Sauerland and offers a variety of options for MTB tours.
Maps and trails
The 10 most beautiful mountain biking trails in Winterberg

Mountain Biking
· Sauerland
MTB-Tour: Valme/Ohlenkopf - 23% Steigung
recommended route
40.7 km
5:33 h
1,140 m
1,136 m
Panoramatour auf 40km mit ca. 2000 Höhenmetern und verschiedenen Pfaden.

Mountain Biking
· Sauerland
MTB-Tour: Die große Tour zum Wasserfall
recommended route
33.4 km
4:37 h
970 m
952 m
Abwechslungsreiche Tour zum Wasserfall (Plästerlegge) in Wasserfall mit vielen Aussichtspunkten, kleinen Pfaden und schönen Mischwäldern.

Mountain Biking
· Willingen
Hasenstall Hütte am Bromberg
recommended route
51.8 km
5:28 h
1,250 m
1,272 m
Eine Tour in Richtung Medebach mit Einkehrmöglichkeit in der Hasenstall Hütte am Bromberg unterhalb eines Kletterparks

Mountain Biking
· Sauerland
Grenzkamm Trail
recommended route
45.8 km
5:10 h
1,164 m
1,202 m
Die Weltuntergangsstimmung in den Sauerländer Wäldern ist traurig anzusehen, aber es gibt auch positive Seiten: Diese Tour bietet landschaftliche Vielfalt kombiniert mit einzigartigen Trails für Mountainbiker! Wer braucht schon Romantik, wenn man Abenteuer habe kann.

Mountain Biking
· Willingen (Upland)
Trail Tour zum Trail Ground Brilon
recommended route
65.1 km
6:56 h
1,530 m
1,709 m
Briloner Trailground - der neue Trend im Mountainbikesport! Hiebammer Hütte, eine der schönsten Wanderhütten im Sauerland, kombiniert mit anspruchsvollen Trails, tollen Aussichten sowie Ausgrabungsstätten. Kurzum eine sehr interessante Tour."

Mountain Biking
· Sauerland
Olsberg Tour
recommended route
47 km
5:10 h
1,031 m
1,021 m
Du suchst nach dem ultimativen MTB-Erlebnis im Sauerland? Dann komm mit uns auf eine Tour, die alles bietet: von atemberaubenden Ausblicken bis hin zu rasanten Fahrten durch die Natur!

Mountain Biking
· Willingen
Ziegenheller Tour
recommended route
68.7 km
7:30 h
1,780 m
1,671 m
Erlebt eine Königsetappe von Willngen ins Sauerland , die eure Kräfte und Ausdauer auf die Probe stellen wird. Fünf atemberaubende 800-Meter-Berge warten darauf, von euch erobert zu werden, und das mit insgesamt 1723 Höhenmetern. Doch hier geht es nicht nur um die nackten Zahlen – diese Strecke hat es in sich.

Mountain Biking
· Sauerland
Bergtour West
recommended route
48 km
5:30 h
1,005 m
1,028 m
Bei dieser Tour lag der Schwerpunkt darauf, brennende Beine entweder mit einem analogen Biobike zu bekommen oder die menschenarme Natur mit dem EMTB zu genießen. Nun ja, dies ist eine Tour, um Kraft und Ausdauer zu trainieren oder sich die Frage zu stellen: Brauche ich ein EMTB oder nicht?

Mountain Biking
· Sauerland
Über Elkeringhausen in die Hunau
recommended route
57.9 km
6:30 h
1,494 m
1,285 m
Du bist bereit, konditionell an deine Grenzen zu gehen und willst dabei nicht auf fahrtechnisches Niveau verzichten? Dann begleite uns auf dieser Hochplateau Runde im Sauerland - einem wahren Sahnestück unter den Biketouren im Sauerland! Schröders Hotelpension ist der perfekte Ausgangspunkt für diese einmalige Erfahrung, wir sehen uns

Mountain Biking
· Sauerland
Heidenstraße, Barbarossaweg und Herkulesweg: Sauerland und Nordhessen von Nordenau nach Waldeck
recommended route
76.6 km
7:15 h
1,463 m
1,683 m
Mit dem Rad auf den Spuren von Jakobspilgern und über alte Handelswege von Meckenheim bis an die Ostsee.
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The region around Winterberg is known for its varied landscape with rolling hills, dense forests and idyllic lakes. This makes it an ideal place for mountain biking. Whether beginner or experienced biker - everyone will find the right MTB tour here.
There are numerous well-marked mountain bike trails around Winterberg. These offer a challenge for beginners as well as advanced bikers. From leisurely tours along the river valleys to challenging steep descents - the choice of MTB trails is large.
The bike parks in Winterberg are particularly worth seeing. Here, adrenaline junkies can put their skills to the test on specially designed trails and dare to make breathtaking jumps. The largest bike park in the region is located on the adventure mountain Kappe and offers different levels of difficulty as well as its own lift service.
The best seasons for mountain biking in Winterberg are spring, summer and autumn. During this time, the temperatures are pleasantly mild and nature shows its most beautiful side. In winter, on the other hand, the region is more suitable for skiing or snowboarding.
If you want to go mountain biking in Winterberg, you have many options to choose from: In addition to the bike parks, there are also numerous routes that lead through the surrounding forests and mountains. Popular places for biking include the Rothaarsteig, the Winterberg ski lift carousel or the Kahler Asten.
All in all, Winterberg offers a varied range for all mountain biking enthusiasts with its MTB tours, mountain bike trails and bike parks. The geographical location in the Hochsauerlandkreis district and the tourist attractions make this region an attractive destination for bikers from near and far.
There are numerous well-marked mountain bike trails around Winterberg. These offer a challenge for beginners as well as advanced bikers. From leisurely tours along the river valleys to challenging steep descents - the choice of MTB trails is large.
The bike parks in Winterberg are particularly worth seeing. Here, adrenaline junkies can put their skills to the test on specially designed trails and dare to make breathtaking jumps. The largest bike park in the region is located on the adventure mountain Kappe and offers different levels of difficulty as well as its own lift service.
The best seasons for mountain biking in Winterberg are spring, summer and autumn. During this time, the temperatures are pleasantly mild and nature shows its most beautiful side. In winter, on the other hand, the region is more suitable for skiing or snowboarding.
If you want to go mountain biking in Winterberg, you have many options to choose from: In addition to the bike parks, there are also numerous routes that lead through the surrounding forests and mountains. Popular places for biking include the Rothaarsteig, the Winterberg ski lift carousel or the Kahler Asten.
All in all, Winterberg offers a varied range for all mountain biking enthusiasts with its MTB tours, mountain bike trails and bike parks. The geographical location in the Hochsauerlandkreis district and the tourist attractions make this region an attractive destination for bikers from near and far.
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Photo: Bojescu Marius, Community
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Parts of this content were machine translated using German as the source language