You’’ll remember your vacation in Slovakia forever. Find information about bicycle tours in our Travel Guide and be sure to add your own content by using our Route Planner to publish and share your best routes with others.
Maps and trails
The 10 most beautiful bicycle tours in Slovakia

Bicycle Touring
· Észak-Magyarország
Thermal baths on the northern bathing line
recommended route
Multi-stage route
971 km
69:04 h
3,537 m
3,515 m
Soaking in the warm water after a long roll is always a turn off. This thermal loop connects 32 thermal baths in the north of Hungary in a cycle tour lasting several days.

Bicycle Touring
· Okres Žarnovica
The Secret Of An Old Railway - The Cycle Route Through Pokutská Valley
recommended route
13.8 km
1:50 h
634 m
183 m
A pleasant cycle route through Pokutská Valley, along the route of the former forest railway, ending with a short circular section. It is mostly an asphalt road suitable also for families with children.

Bicycle Touring
· Region Neusohl
From Slovenská Ľupča To Donovaly And Back Through Hiadeľ Saddle
recommended route
51.3 km
6:40 h
1,465 m
1,465 m
A challenging, high-altitude cycle route with perfect views, leading over the ridge of the Low Tatras

Bicycle Touring
· Carpathians
Around the Tatras in 8 days
recommended route
Multi-stage route
713.3 km
56:59 h
7,565 m
7,565 m
A multi-day cycling tour inspired by Krisztián Szabó's film Around the Tatras in 8 Days.

Bicycle Touring
Danube Cycle Tour, north shore: Passau-Vienna
recommended route
Multi-stage route
381.4 km
25:50 h
345 m
496 m
Bike tour along the Danube from Passau to Vienna.

Bicycle Touring
· Štiavnické vrchy
Zo Svätého Antona na Sitno
recommended route
7 km
2:35 h
593 m
0 m
Come with us from Svätý Anton /435 m.a.s.l./ to the legendary hill Sitno /1009.2 m.a.s.l./. Enjoy the challenging hike to the top but also the wonderful views of the surrounding nature. At the top, refreshment awaits you in Andrej Kmeť's cottage.

Bicycle Touring
· Vtáčnik
Ascend with us to the peak of Vtáčnik
recommended route
44.4 km
4:55 h
1,223 m
1,223 m
The route is suitable for experienced cyclists and its level of difficulty is marked EXPERT.

Bicycle Touring
· Slovakia
Csallóközi tekergés
recommended route
137.7 km
10:00 h
162 m
137 m
A túra Európa legnagyobb szárazföldi szigete, a Duna, a Kis-Duna és a Vág között elterülő Csallóköz látnivalóit fűzi fel. A komáromi városnézést vízimalmok és meseszép Árpád-kori templomok látogatása egészíti ki, majd a túrán megismerkedünk az újkori történelmünkre oly nagy hatást tevő bősi duzzasztóművel is. Ugyanakkor természeti látnivalókban sem lesz hiány ezen a kétnapos túrán.

Bicycle Touring
· Muránska planina
Muránska Zdychava cez Prednú Horu - okružná trasa
recommended route
43.9 km
6:25 h
1,288 m
1,115 m
Pripravte sa na to, že táto cykloturistika nie je zadarmo. Odmenou za litre vypoteného potu je pokoj a krása Stolických vrchov a keď vám je dopriate absolvovať to s dobrou partiou, čo viac si priať.

Bicycle Touring
· Štiavnické vrchy
Z Banskej Štiavnice na Sitno a späť
recommended route
25.4 km
3:10 h
793 m
793 m
Sitno (1 009,2 m n. m.) je najvyšší vrch pohoria Štiavnické vrchy. Sitno je opradené mnohými bájami a povesťami. V novodobých dejinách ho preslávil slovenský kazateľ Andrej Kmeť národnými výstupmi s kázaniami na jeho vrchole. Sitno, dostupné aj na bicykli.
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Danube Cycle Tour, north shore: Passau-Vienna by Kaja
August 11, 2023
Z Hotela Zerrenpach k Prameňu Ipľa a späť by Nikola
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From Slovenská Ľupča To Donovaly And Back Through Hiadeľ Saddle by Peter
Photo: Peter Nemec, Community
Photo: Peter Nemec, Community
Photo: Peter Nemec, Community
Photo: Peter Nemec, Community
Photo: Peter Nemec, Community
Photo: Peter Nemec, Community
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