You’’ll remember your vacation in Albania forever. Find information about bicycle tours in our Travel Guide and be sure to add your own content by using our Route Planner to publish and share your best routes with others.
Maps and trails
The 10 most beautiful bicycle tours in Albania

Bicycle Touring
· Mittelkroatien
Biking from Zagreb via Sarajevo to Mavrovo
recommended route
1,144.7 km
102:40 h
12,348 m
11,157 m
A route for those who want or need asphalt, but don't like busy roads, who can do some climbing, but also appreciate flat stretches. For stories & trailnotes check out my website: EVAdinarica Project.

Bicycle Touring
· Croatia
Simon and Deborah's Cycling Journey - Once Along Europe
10,298.3 km
807:20 h
55,616 m
55,340 m
This route is a rough overview of Simon and Deborah's cycling trip from Croatia to Crete and up to the North Cape between January and May 2023..
Their favourite stages can be found on Simon's profile.
You can find a detailed interview about their adventure bike trip exclusively here at Outdooractive FACES.
Bicycle Touring
· Albania
Albanien - 14.Tag von Elbasan nach Triana
51.5 km
5:37 h
860 m
877 m
Route von „20.0733 Ost, 41.1092 Nord“ nach „19.8172 Ost, 41.3246 Nord“ via „SH3, (null)“, „SH3, (null)“, „SH3, (null)“, „Rruga e Elbasanit, (null)“

Bicycle Touring
· Vienna
Balkantour 2023 / 9 Länder / 1600 km / 14000 Hm
1,501.8 km
126:40 h
11,226 m
11,422 m
Reisevideo auf Youtube folgt Ende 2023

Bicycle Touring
· Albania
Albanien - Zusammenfassung Tour 2 bis 14
855.7 km
82:22 h
11,548 m
11,540 m
komplette 2 wöchige Radtour 2018.
Tour 4 wurde übersprungen ?
Bicycle Touring
· Albania
Albanien - 3.Tag Klos nach Debar kor
58.1 km
5:47 h
853 m
451 m
die vorhandene war zu lang. Daher die korrigierte Version
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