Equipment for ski touring
Touring skis
Many well-known ski manufacturers have extended their product range to ski touring. You can either choose more ascent-oriented skis, which are lighter, narrower and more agile, or downhill oriented skis, which are heavier, wider and firmer. Depending on the area of application, the right touring ski must be selected. The honest self-assessment is essential, a correctly selected ski improves the fun and increases the security. Classic touring skis are the ideal companion for beginners; those who have already developed a distinctive, individual style of skiing will find top models that provide the best support.
Once you have found your ideal ski, you should have it serviced regularly - the edges are sharpened and the base is maintained - safety and skiing fun are guaranteed for the next season.
Special ski touring skins are attached to the ski surface for the ascent and thus prevent slipping on steep terrain. The best-known suppliers of ski touring skins are Pomoca, Colltex and Contour.
A rough distinction is made between natural, synthetic and a mixture of both materials. The different surface structures influence the gliding and climbing properties of the skins.
There are also differences in the coat adhesives. On the one hand, there are classic skins that are attached with pressure-sensitive adhesive, and on the other hand, skins that adhere to the ski base with the help of a vacuum layer.
Manufacturers offer sets with skis including the fitting skin already. The skin must completely cover the base of the ski but leave the edges free to allow appropriate grip. So-called ‘trim to fit’ skins can be individually adapted to the ski.
Avalanche equipment
An avalanche transceiver must be part of your standard equipment when you are travelling in avalanche prone terrain. You also need a sturdy avalanche shovel and a probe to locate and rescue buried victims in an emergency.

What does solid ski touring equipment cost?
For a complete ski touring equipment you need touring skis, a suitable binding, touring ski boots, skins, ski poles and the avalanche emergency equipment (avalanche transceiver, shovel, avalanche probe, airbag backpack). Therefore you should calculate at least 1500 € for the equipment.
Don’t try to go for the cheapest equipment in that case. Sturdy and quality tested gear is very important in ski touring – it could save your life!