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Maps and trails
The 10 most beautiful snowshoe walks in the region Dolomites Plan de Corones
Snowshoe walking
· Region Dolomites Plan de Corones
Schneeschuhrunde vom Würzjoch
recommended route
6.7 km
3:00 h
347 m
344 m
Einfache, relativ lawinensichere Halbtagesrunde vom Würzjoch mit tollen Aussichten im Schatten des Peitlerkofels.
Snowshoe walking
· Naturpark Fanes-Sennes-Prags
Le Ciaval (Il Cavallo - L'Ciaval - Sas dla Crusc - Sasso Santa Croce)
recommended route
25.8 km
11:00 h
1,580 m
1,580 m
Parco Naturale Fanes-Senes-Braies: ciaspolata a Le Ciaval (Il Cavallo - L'Ciaval - Sas dla Crusc - Sasso Santa Croce) partendo dall’Albergo Alpino Pederü in Val dai Tamersc (o Val di Rudo) con passaggio per il Rifugio Lavarella (Üćia Lavarella - Lavarellahütte).
Snowshoe walking
· Naturpark Fanes-Sennes-Prags
Rifugio Biella (Seekofelhütte) e Monte Muro (Ofenmauer)
recommended route
17.9 km
7:00 h
1,200 m
1,200 m
Parco Naturale Fanes-Senes-Braies: ciaspolata al Monte Muro (Ofenmauer) partendo dall’Albergo Alpino Pederü in Val dai Tamersc (o Val di Rudo) con passaggio per il Rifugio Sennes (Sennes Hütte) e il Rifugio Biella (Seekofelhütte).
Snowshoe walking
· Naturpark Fanes-Sennes-Prags
Monte Sella di Sennes o Muntejela de Senes per Val Salata e Rifugio Sennes
recommended route
24.9 km
9:00 h
1,430 m
1,430 m
Parco Naturale Fanes-Senes-Braies: ciaspolata al Monte Sella di Sennes o Muntejela de Senes partendo da Sant’Uberto / Podestagno con passaggio per il Rifugio e la Malga Sennes (Sennes Hütte e Ücìa Munt de Senes).
Snowshoe walking
· Naturpark Fanes-Sennes-Prags
Col Bechei con risalita della Val di Fanes e per il Lago di Limo
recommended route
22.9 km
8:30 h
1,550 m
1,550 m
Parco Naturale Fanes-Senes-Braies: ciaspolata al Col Bechei de Sora (o Dessora) con risalita della Val di Fanes e passaggio per il Passo e Lago di Limo, partendo da Sant’Uberto / Podestagno.
Snowshoe walking
· Naturpark Fanes-Sennes-Prags
Bivacco della Pace sotto il Monte Castello risalendo il Vallon Bianco
recommended route
25 km
9:30 h
1,550 m
1,550 m
Parco Naturale Fanes-Senes-Braies: ciaspolata al Bivacco della Pace con risalita della Val di Fanes e del Vallon (o Valón) Bianco partendo da Sant’Uberto / Podestagno.
Snowshoe walking
· Region Dolomites Plan de Corones
recommended route
8.4 km
5:00 h
800 m
800 m
From the Waldealm up the Brunstwald forest to the Brunstridl with a breathtaking view of the most beautiful Dolomite peaks and hop down into the soft powder snow on snowshoes
Snowshoe walking
· Region Dolomites Plan de Corones
Piza de Medalges from Lungiarü
recommended route
13.2 km
4:30 h
937 m
938 m
Sunny snowshoe hike with a magnificent panoramic view of the Dolomites in the Ladin mountaineering village of Lungiarü (Campill) in the Puez-Geisler Nature Park
Snowshoe walking
· Villgraten Mountains
Kalksteiner Jöchl - rewarding destination in the Villgraten mountains
recommended route
11.4 km
4:30 h
890 m
890 m
Travelling along old smugglers' paths in the Gsieser Valley.
Snowshoe walking
· Zillertal Alps
recommended route
14.2 km
6:00 h
1,031 m
1,043 m
There are a number of mountain pastures on the ridge south of the Mühlwaldtal valley - the paths connecting them offer opportunities for snowshoe tours both along tracks and through meadows
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Photo: Annette Blechschmidtt, Community
Photo: Annette Blechschmidtt, Community
Photo: Annette Blechschmidtt, Community
Photo: Annette Blechschmidtt, Community
Photo: Annette Blechschmidtt, Community
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