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The 10 most beautiful hiking routes in Val di Non

Long-Distance Hiking
Romedius Pilgrimage Overview
recommended route
Multi-stage route
189.2 km
67:45 h
9,498 m
9,561 m
A transnational pilgrimage route - in the footsteps of St Romedius.
The pilgrimage route from Thaur to San Romedio is a true nature experience: pilgrimage sites, wayside shrines and shrines, beautiful landscapes, mountain pastures and crossings await the pilgrims. Starting from Thaur, the route leads over 180 km and 9,600 metres of altitude difference in 12 daily stages to the pilgrimage site of San Romedio in Trentino.

Hiking route
· Nonsberg Group
From Graun via Roen to the Mendel Pass
recommended route
18.7 km
7:15 h
1,494 m
925 m
The shuttle or city bus will take you to the starting point in Graun. From there, continue on foot along paths and forest tracks to the Grauner Joch. Continue northwards along the ridge, past the Schweigglhütte and the Schwarzer Kopf to reach the highest point of the tour, the Roen. The descent is via Malga Romeno and the Halbweg hut to the Mendel Pass.
From the Mendel Pass, you can either take the funicular railway down to St. Anton in Kaltern and from there return to Tramin by public transport or take a shuttle back to Tramin directly from the Mendel Pass via the Mendelstrasse.

Hiking route
· Meraner Land
Schrummseen & Stübelespitze
recommended route
19.5 km
6:30 h
1,310 m
1,312 m
Into the Klapfberg valley, up to the Schrummsee lakes with ascent of the Stübele

Hiking route
· Val di Non
Anello delle Malghe della Predaia
recommended route
7.9 km
2:30 h
300 m
300 m
Bel percorso ad anello con poco dislivello che collega le malghe della Predaia al punto panoramico Roccia Larga, un grande balcone a sbalzo sulla Val d'Adige e sulle Dolomiti.

Hiking route
· Val di Non
Lez Pozcadin from Malgolo to San Romedio
recommended route
7 km
2:45 h
280 m
280 m
A pleasant, gentle and sunny, trail with original viewpoints over the famous Sanctuary of San Romedio.

Hiking route
· Val di Non
Loop trail from the centre of Cavareno to Lakes Masi in Ruffrè along the Linòr valley
recommended route
10.1 km
3:30 h
250 m
250 m
A beautiful loop trail that connects the towns of Cavareno and Ruffrè where it is worth taking a break on the shores of Lakes Masi.

Hiking route
· Nonsberg Group
Tresner Horn - Corno di Tres 1,812 m
recommended route
11 km
4:00 h
800 m
800 m
Hike from Fennberg to the highest point of the southern Mendelkamm.

Hiking route
· Val di Non
Circuit in the Santa Giustina canyon via the Santa Giustina hermitage
recommended route
3 km
1:30 h
100 m
100 m
A walk ideal for children, too, which ventures in one of the many canyons that rivet the Val di Non: Santa Giustina’s canyon. A new bridge crosses the river Noce at the bottom of the canyon, leading hikers to the other bed of the river and admire the picturesque hermitage hailing back to the 13th century

Hiking route
· Nonsberg Group
From the Mendel Pass to the Roen
recommended route
20.3 km
7:30 h
780 m
1,600 m
The varied hike to the highest mountain peak of the Mendelkamm leads us through mixed and coniferous forest, meadows, mountain pine fields and wide tree- and shrub-less alpine meadows. On the Roenspitze you have a marvellous view of the surrounding mountains.

Hiking route
· Nonsberg Group
Circular hike on the Mendel
recommended route
14.1 km
4:25 h
578 m
578 m
This beautiful family hike takes us to the popular viewpoint on the Penegal and then continues over the wide, gentle terrain of the Mendelschulter through mixed coniferous forest to the cosy spot of the Regole - alpine meadows, which are mainly farmed by Überetsch farmers and offer several places to stop for refreshments.
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Circular hike on the Mendel by Martin
June 09, 2024
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Route done on June 09, 2024
Photo: Martin Thirolf, Community
Photo: Martin Thirolf, Community
Photo: Martin Thirolf, Community
Photo: Martin Thirolf, Community
Photo: Martin Thirolf, Community
Lez Pozcadin from Malgolo to San Romedio by Michael
Photo: Michael Eichler, Community
Photo: Michael Eichler, Community
Photo: Michael Eichler, Community
May 06, 2024
You get some exercise, have a great view, river with strong current and some sightseeing. It took us a little bit longer, taking pictures and visiting San Romedio. Nice trail with dog.
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Route done on May 05, 2024
Lez di Dambel by francesco
Photo: francesco sambo, Community
April 29, 2024
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Route done on April 26, 2024
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