Hiking in the Mediterranean climate while admiring the alpine landscape - you only get this perfect mix in Garda Trentino. There are plenty of routes bringing you fun, adventure and challenge. Climb up the rugged, steep Dolomites or enjoy a stroll along the blue Lake Garda.
Maps and trails
The 10 most beautiful hiking routes at Lake Garda

Long-Distance Hiking
· Garda Trentino
Über den Monte Stivo: Von Drena nach Mori
recommended route
33.9 km
14:00 h
1,996 m
2,231 m
Gardaseeberge / Monte Stivo (Italien)
Mehrtagestour von Drena (406 m) über die ausgedehnte Westflanke des Monte Stivo (2059 m) auf den Gipfel und Abstieg über Bassa Madonnina ins Val di Gresta und hinunter nach Mori (197 m). - Mit Übernachtung auf der Malga Zanga und in Ronzo-Chienis ergeben sich für die Überschreitung des prominenten Aussichtsberges drei kommode Etappen.
14h 34km 1995m↑ 2230m↓ T2

Long-Distance Hiking
Sentiero della Pace: Riva del Garda - Caldonazzo (Etappe 15 - 29)
recommended route
249.8 km
88:00 h
12,560 m
12,180 m
Geschichte zum Greifen nah
Mediterran startet dieser Abschnitt am Gardasee und führt entlang vieler Kriegsruinen durch die Piccolo Dolomiti bis an den Fuß der Fleimstaler Alpen.

Hiking route
· Garda Trentino
Val di Gresta: Von Ronzo-Chienis nach Mori
recommended route
10.2 km
3:30 h
136 m
923 m
Gardaseeberge / Val di Gresta (Italien)
Wanderung im ruhigen, landwirtschaftlich geprägten Val di Gresta durch die Ortschaften Ronzo-Chienis, Varano, Pannone und Manzano hinunter nach Mori.
3½h 10.2km 140m↑ 920m↓ T1+

Hiking route
· Garda Trentino
Monte Stivo
recommended route
12 km
5:30 h
925 m
1,086 m
Garda Trentino / Monte Stivo (Italy)
Crossing the prominent Lake Garda panoramic mountain Monte Stivo (2059 m). Ascent from the Malga Zanga mountain pasture to the summit. Descent into the Val di Gresta to Ronzo-Chienis.
5½h 12km 925Hm↑ 1090Hm↓ T2

Hiking route
· Garda Trentino
Monte Stivo: Ascent from Drena to Malga Zanga
recommended route
11.8 km
5:00 h
940 m
238 m
Monte Stivo / Garda Trentino (Italy)
Hike on the western side of Monte Stivo. From Drena through remote hamlets, chestnut groves and along lonely mountain paths to Malga Zanga, high above the lower Sarca Valley with its panoramic views. The route passes the Open Air Gallery near Braila.
5h 12km 940m↑ 240m↓ T2

Hiking route
· Garda Trentino
Coste di Baone - eine kurze Wanderung in Arco
recommended route
4.9 km
2:00 h
233 m
233 m
Ein einfacher, familienfreundlicher Rundweg an den Felsen des Monte Baone, zwischen Olivenbäumen und mit wundervollem Ausblick.

Hiking route
· Garda Trentino
ATG4-32 Rif Cacciatore - (Baesa -Taxi 7.5 km - Moline) - Sarche 25.3 km
recommended route
Stage 5
25.3 km
10:20 h
1,653 m
3,225 m
This route had to be chosen because of the accommodation and is therefore very long. The first section is easy and the landscape is beautiful, then there is a short, merciless descent, which is partly "car-friendly". The route to the "Dolomiti" is normal, here you can order a taxi (7 people) for the 7.5 km of tarmac. The Fiume Sarca valley is also a very beautiful natural experience. The exit to the village is not very well marked, according to the map you are stranded in front of a locked high gate. The diversions over the moraine barrier adds another 1 km to the route.

Hiking route
· Garda Trentino
Tenno loop to the Rifugio San Pietro 10.3 km
recommended route
10.2 km
3:40 h
509 m
509 m
A leisurely hiking route with a San Pietro hut worth seeing with a view of Lake Garda. The way back leads through the mountain village of Canale past old houses and buildings back to the starting point.

Long-Distance Hiking
· Garda Trentino
Sentiero Frassati - Leg 2
recommended route
23.3 km
8:40 h
800 m
1,219 m
The Sentiero Frassati in Trentino unfolds over seven legs, from the church of the Madonna delle Grazie to the Sanctuary of San Romedio, along dirts roads, paths and mule tracks suitable to all hikers.

Long-Distance Hiking
· Garda Trentino
Sentiero Frassati - Leg 1
recommended route
6.5 km
3:20 h
886 m
0 m
The Sentiero Frassati in Trentino unfolds over seven legs, from the church of the Madonna delle Grazie to the Sanctuary of San Romedio, along dirts roads, paths and mule tracks suitable to all hikers.
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Due to the proximity to the Mediterranean Sea and the associated warm climate, visitors are offered a perfect setting for easy hikes and walks. From a landscape point of view, the area benefits mainly from its proximity to the Alps. To the north of the lake shore there are many options for hiking. It is logical that the great Goethe was also impressed by the region. When he visited Garda Trentino in 1786, he described its beauty in his diary.
On tourism and a long history
Riva del Garda has become a popular destination for tourists from all over the world. But apart from the beaches overcrowded during the high season, the 30.000 inhabitants city has a lot of history to offer. Riva did not always belong to Italy. In former times, it was part of Austria-Hungary. The fortifications defending the former fortress can still be seen today. Hikers can discover them either at close range during a walk to the Chapel of Santa Barbara or by climbing Monte Brione.
Out on mountains and along valleys
It doesn't always have to be the classic city stroll on vacation. For those who like it a little sportier, the area around Lake Garda has a lot to offer. Lake Ledro is a popular destination. On a hike you can always enjoy breathtaking views. Lake Tenno is no less exciting. Outdoor enthusiasts can reach it on a six-hour hike from Varone. Those who don't want to leave beautiful Lake Garda can find a family-friendly hike on Ponale road on the lake's west bank.
Hiking route
· Garda Trentino
Around Lago di Ledro
Premium content
10 km
2:30 h
60 m
60 m
On the hike we will walk around Lago di Ledro. On the way we can visit the pile-dwelling museum and refresh ourselves in the cool lake.
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