Accompanied by proud mountain peaks, through nature parks and along cool rivers - anyone who sets out on a bike tour in the province of Trentino will experience the charm of the mighty Dolomites and the diversity of the Trentino Pre-Alps up close. In the south between these two beauties lies the popular north shore of Lake Garda. A total of 400 km of well-developed cycle paths in the Italian Trentino invite you to explore.
Maps and trails
The 10 most beautiful cycle routes in Trentino

Gravel Bike
· Hochpustertal
Supermax: Die große Sella Runde
recommended route
179.3 km
11:00 h
3,704 m
3,697 m
Feudale Gravel-Extension der legendären Sella Ronda. Die aussichtsreiche Rundtour forciert die Sinnesanregung und führt unterhaltsam durch die einzigartige Dolomitenlandschaft!

Gravel Bike
· Val di Fiemme and Val di Cembra
Gravel Tour - Altopiano di Lavazè e Butterloch
recommended route
42.6 km
3:20 h
1,079 m
1,053 m
Itinerario panoramico a cavallo tra le provincie di Trento e Bolzano, passando sotto all'imponente Santuario della Madonna di Piertalba.

Gravel Bike
· Val di Fiemme and Val di Cembra
Gravel Tour - Giro del Viezzena
recommended route
51.2 km
5:10 h
1,371 m
1,371 m
I boschi di abeti rossi, il ponte sospeso, una lunga ma costante salita tra i pascoli dell'Alpe di Lusia per raggiungere l'omonimo passo e poi giù fino a Moena, la fata delle Dolomiti.

Gravel Bike
· Val di Fiemme and Val di Cembra
Gravel Tour - Latemar e Lago di Carezza
recommended route
57.2 km
6:25 h
1,616 m
1,607 m
Il più classico tra i tour in bicicletta della Val di Fiemme. Un itinerario ad anello attorno al massiccio del Latemar con un passaggio all'incantevole Lago di Carezza.

Gravel Bike
· Val di Fiemme and Val di Cembra
Gravel Tour - Il ponte sospeso e la Val Venegia
recommended route
49.5 km
5:15 h
1,463 m
1,463 m
Alla scoperta di uno dei luoghi più iconici del Trentino e di un ponte sospeso sul torrente Travignolo

Gravel Bike
· Val di Fiemme and Val di Cembra
Gravel Tour - Solombo e Cascata
recommended route
48.3 km
4:25 h
1,034 m
1,034 m
Prati colorati, freschi boschi di larici e di abeti rossi e l'imponente cascata di Cavalese fanno da sfondo a questo itinerario che si sviluppa poco distante dai centri abitati.

Gravel Bike
Gravel Tour - Val di Fiemme
recommended route
52.4 km
5:00 h
1,026 m
1,033 m
Un itinerario molto soleggiato che si svolge principalmente nella parte della Val di Fiemme rivolta a sud. Rientro a Predazzo sulla comoda pista ciclabile.

Mountain Biking
· Lake Garda Mountains
Mountainbiketour rund um den Monte Brione in den Gardaseebergen
recommended route
18.7 km
1:35 h
100 m
100 m
Gemütlicher Saisonstart
Aussichtsreiche Runde zum Warmrollen für die ganze Familie. Der meiste Teil verläuft auf Teer und ist darum auch per Trekkingrad bestens zu bewältigen. Gerade gut, um das Eisessen an der Uferpromenade zu rechtfertigen!

Bike Riding
· Altopiano della Paganella
San Michéle an der Etsch-Trentino über Molvenosee mit Brenta-Panoramablick und Sarcaschlucht nach Arco und Riva del Garda am Gardasee
recommended route
82.2 km
5:30 h
921 m
1,062 m
Streckentour von San Michéle - Kronmetz an der Etsch mit knackigem Anstieg auf der Straße hinauf zum Molvenosee mit lohnenswertem Badestopp und grandiosem Ausblick auf die Berge der Brenta. Ausgesprochen lange Abfahrt hinunter in die Sarcaschlucht mit alternativem Anschluss zum Tennosee und Riva del Garda. Anschließend Genusstour am Ufer der Sarca entlang mit Blick auf die „Tiramisu-Ostwand“ und die Gardaseeberge.

Mountain Biking
· Naturpark Trudner Horn
From Salurn to the "Holy Lake"
recommended route
32.1 km
5:30 h
1,265 m
1,265 m
A technically easy E- MTB tour from the Adige Valley to the mountain lake in the Cembra Valley.
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Open the Route PlannerThe easy Valsugana cycle path begins past the shores of Lake Caldonazzo and then runs along a large part of the Brenta River. On it the entire Valsugana can be crossed up to the eastern border of the Trentino. From there the cycle path continues to Bassano del Grappa in Veneto.
Another cycle path also runs along a river, the Cismon: the 10 km long Valle del Primiero cycle path, which offers an impressive view of the proud Dolomites.
Between lake and mountain in the south
In the south of Trentino, the famous Lago di Garda is the main attraction. The almost 20 km long cycle path between Torbole and Mori connects the north shore of Lake Garda and the Adige Valley. Its course leads cyclists through the plateau near Mori as well as over the wild Sarca and past the port of San Nicolò near Garda.
Bicycle Touring
· Rovereto, Vallagarina, Altopiano di Brentonico
Mori-Torbole bike path
recommended route
19.6 km
2:30 h
100 m
210 m
This track joins the Vallagarina to the area of Lake Garda, and is connected to the Valle dell’Adige cycling path that goes from Trento to Rovereto.
from VisitTrentino,
Comfortably through the west
If you want to take it easy, you can cycle on the Val Rendena cycle path through the Adamello-Brenta nature park along the course of the Sarca river. Escorted by the Cima Tosa to the east and the Carè Alto to the west, visitors discover the Valley of the Waterfalls on this tour. Above all, the Nàrdis waterfalls are impressive, which tumble down directly from the Presanella glacier and continue to flow into new waterfalls.
Bicycle Touring
· Madonna di Campiglio, Pinzolo, Val Rendena
Val Rendena Bike Path
recommended route
23 km
2:09 h
380 m
36 m
from VisitTrentino,
By bike and train from north to south
From north to south through the whole of Trentino - this is possible on the Valle dell'Adige cycle path.
All Trentino Guest Card holders can travel parts of the route free of charge by train and other public transport. Visiting numerous sights such as castles and museums is free with the guest card and there are discounts on many activities in the region.
Bicycle Touring
· Trento, Monte Bondone e Altopiano di Pinè
Valle dell'Adige Nord Cycling Path
recommended route
81.6 km
5:30 h
250 m
125 m
from VisitTrentino,
Monte Velo - Passo Santa Barbara - Bordala - Mori by Dominik
Did this track today and it's really awesome for most parts, thanks for the idea.. However there are at least two parts that move away from a safe road to a side-road with no value (for road biking), and one place where it moves riders to a very dangerous descent that should not be used for cycling (its probably even closed)! It doesn't look that those places were created by person riding them... I would be happy to point them out to make this route even more perfect.
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Photo: Peter Schoinz, Community
Photo: Peter Schoinz, Community
Photo: Peter Schoinz, Community
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