You’’ll remember your vacation on the Zell am See District forever. Find information about winter sports in our Travel Guide and be sure to add your own content by using our Route Planner to publish and share your best routes with others.
Maps and trails
The 10 most beautiful winter sports on the Zell am See District

Ski Touring
· Bruck-Fusch
Schreckkopf, 1836 m
recommended route
11.1 km
3:30 h
1,060 m
1,060 m
Der Schreckkopf ist dem Imbachhorn im Nordosten vorgelagert und wird von Bruck an der Glocknerstraße über einen breiten Waldrücken erreicht.

Ski Touring
· Zillertal Alps
Gabler 3263m
recommended route
16.9 km
7:00 h
1,850 m
1,850 m
Mittelschwerer und sehr langer Frühlingsklassiker über ideal geneigte Nordhänge in hochalpinem Ambiente.

Ski Touring
· Salzburg Schieferalps
Grinnberg 1714m von Winklmoos
recommended route
8.3 km
2:30 h
800 m
800 m
Meist einsame und sichere Skitour auf einen bewaldeten Gipfel. Anstieg auf Almstraßen, ideal geneigten Wiesen und kurzen Waldpassagen.

Ski Touring
· Kitzbühel Alps
Baumgartgeier über Ronachgeier
recommended route
9.3 km
3:00 h
950 m
950 m
Einfache und relativ sichere Skitour auf zwei aussichtsreiche Gipfel über dem Gerlospass.

Ski Touring
· Raurisertal
From the Fuscher Törl to the Spielmann, 3027 m
recommended route
11.2 km
6:00 h
1,525 m
1,525 m
From the Fuscher Törl into the Brennkogelkar and onto the Kloben. Continue via the Spielmannscharte and the south-east flank to the Spielmann. The way back is in the opposite direction.

Ski Touring
· Hohe Tauern National Park Region
From the Glocknerstraße to the Fuscherkarkopf and the Sonnenwelleck
recommended route
7.5 km
4:00 h
1,200 m
1,200 m
From the Glocknerstraße via the remnants of the Freiwandkees to the saddle "Der Rinner" and along the ridge to the Sonnenwelleck and/or the Fuscherkarkopf.

Ski Touring
· Hohe Tauern National Park Region
Round tour over all bear heads
recommended route
23.9 km
9:30 h
2,110 m
2,110 m
Via the Mittlerer Bärenkopf to the Großer Bärenkopf and back to the Mittlerer Bärenkopf. From there, take a detour to the Vorderer Bärenkopf, counter-climb to the southern summit of the Mittlerer Bärenkopf and descend to the Wasserfallwinkel.

Ski Touring
· Raurisertal
Summer ski tour to the Kloben (2938 m)
recommended route
6.1 km
2:00 h
690 m
690 m
From the Fuscher Törl on a path into the Brennkogelkar and over the remains of the Brennkogelkees to the Kloben.

Ski Touring
· Raurisertal
From the Fuscher Törl to the Brennkogel (3018 m)
recommended route
8 km
4:30 h
960 m
960 m
From Fuscher Törl over the remains of the Brennkogelkees to the Kloben. Short descent towards Guttal; from the west to the Brennkogel and descent via its north-west flank.

Ski Touring
· Hohe Tauern National Park Region
Krumlkeeskopf (3101 m) from the Glocknerstraße
recommended route
18.4 km
7:00 h
1,795 m
1,795 m
The Krumlkeeskopf is located in the connecting ridge that runs from the Hochtor to the Hocharn and is the highest elevation apart from the Hocharn. It is usually climbed from the Hochtor via a series of long crossings. The circular tour described here nevertheless offers many beautiful metres of descent.
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Hocharn by Deich
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Photo: Franz-Xaver Six, DAV Sektion Straubing
Photo: Franz-Xaver Six, DAV Sektion Straubing
Photo: Franz-Xaver Six, DAV Sektion Straubing
Photo: Franz-Xaver Six, DAV Sektion Straubing
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