You’’ll remember your vacation in Harz forever. Find information about pilgrim walks in our Travel Guide and be sure to add your own content by using our Route Planner to publish and share your best routes with others.
Maps and trails
The 10 most beautiful pilgrim walks in Harz

Long-Distance Hiking
· Harz
Harzer Klosterwanderweg
recommended route
Multi-stage route
117.8 km
29:55 h
1,081 m
1,267 m
Bis 2024 verlief der Harzer Klosterwanderweg zwischen den beiden Welterbestätten Goslar und Quedlinburg, im Frühjahr 2024 wird der Weg um die 7. Etappe von Quedlinburg bis nach Halberstadt erweitert. Der Track ist bereits verfügbar, die Ausschilderung vor Ort erfolgt zukzessive in 2024. Zwei attraktive Ziele bereichern von nun an den Weg: Der Dom und Domschatz Halberstadt, und das Burchardikloster - hier endet/startet der Klosterwanderweg. Das Erholungspotential für Körper, Geist und Seele verbindet sich vortrefflich mit Kulturgenuss vom Feinsten – wie an einer Perlenschnur und in ungewöhnlicher Dichte erleben Wanderer und Pilger auf nunmehr ca. 115 km eine vielfältige Kloster- und Kirchenlandschaft.

Pilgrim Walk
· Harz
Lutherweg Luthersadt Eisleben nach Halle/Saale
recommended route
31.7 km
7:57 h
134 m
169 m
Etwas längere Tour, über Höhnstedt und die Dölauer Heide

Pilgrim Walk
· Harz
Luthers Anfang und Ende
recommended route
18.2 km
4:39 h
121 m
123 m
Lutherstadt Eisleben - Unterrißdorf - Höhnstedt

Pilgrim Walk
· Harz
VIA ROMEA GERMANICA / Wernigerode - Elbingerode (GER18)
recommended route
11.5 km
3:00 h
299 m
85 m
Official route description - Stage 18The approx. 2200 km long pilgrimage route "VIA ROMEA GERMANICA" from Stade to Rome on its route between Wernigerode and Elbingerode. European cultural route of the Council of Europe

Pilgrim Walk
· Harz
VIA ROMEA GERMANICA / Hornburg - Osterwieck (GER17)
recommended route
22.3 km
5:30 h
165 m
39 m
Official route description - Stage 17The approx. 2200 km long pilgrimage route "VIA ROMEA GERMANICA" from Stade to Rome on its route between Osterwieck and Wernigerode. European cultural route of the Council of Europe

Pilgrim Walk
· Braunschweiger Land
VIA ROMEA GERMANICA / Hornburg - Osterwieck (GER16)
recommended route
11.4 km
3:00 h
87 m
80 m
Official route description - Stage 16The approx. 2200 km long pilgrimage route "VIA ROMEA GERMANICA" from Stade to Rome on its route between Hornburg and Osterwieck. European cultural route of the Council of Europe

Pilgrim Walk
· Harz
VIA ROMEA Nordhausen - Straußberg (22)
recommended route
18 km
4:45 h
216 m
142 m
Official route description - Stage 22The approx. 2200 km long pilgrimage route "VIA ROMEA GERMANICA" from Stade to Rome on its route between Nordhausen and Münchenlohra. European cultural route of the Council of Europe

Pilgrim Walk
· Harz
VIA ROMEA GERMANICA / Elbingerode - Hasselfelde (GER19)
recommended route
18.5 km
5:00 h
251 m
229 m
Official route description - Stage 19The approx. 2200 km long pilgrimage route "VIA ROMEA GERMANICA" from Stade to Rome on its route between Elbingerode and Hasselfelde. European cultural route of the Council of Europe

Pilgrim Walk
· Harz
VIA ROMEA GERMANICA / Hasselfelde - Neustadt/Harz (GER20)
recommended route
21.2 km
6:00 h
233 m
432 m
Official route description - Stage 20The approx. 2200 km long pilgrimage route "VIA ROMEA GERMANICA" from Stade to Rome on its route between Hasselfelde and Neustadt / Harz.European Cultural Route of the Council of Europe

Pilgrim Walk
· Harz
VIA ROMEA GERMANICA / Neustadt/Harz - Nordhausen (GER21)
recommended route
9 km
3:00 h
159 m
201 m
Official route description - Stage 21The approx. 2200 km long pilgrimage route "VIA ROMEA GERMANICA" from Stade to Rome on its route between Neustadt / Harz and Nordhausen.European Cultural Route of the Council of Europe
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