In the district of Heidenheim, located in the beautiful state of Baden-Württemberg, there are numerous opportunities for cycling tours. The region is characterised by its varied landscape and thus offers ideal conditions for cyclists of all levels.
Maps and trails
The 10 most beautiful bike rides in Heidenheim

Bike Riding
· Bayerisch-Schwaben
Geopark Ries: Radweg "Von Krater zu Krater"
recommended route
186.7 km
13:15 h
1,364 m
1,364 m
Der Geopark Ries Radweg "Von Krater zu Krater" verbindet die Natur der östlichen schwäbischen Alb mit der des Nördlinger Rieses, sowie des Steinheimer Beckens.

Bike Riding
· Schwäbische Alb
Stone Age Explorer Cycle Tour in the Swabian Alb
Premium content
60.6 km
4:30 h
483 m
410 m
Leisurely cycle tour to Stone Age sites

Bike Riding
· Schwäbische Alb
Drafted on August 27, 2013
recommended route
108.1 km
7:35 h
280 m
321 m
Vom Brenztopf in Königsbronn gehts hinunter ins Donautal und beim nächsten Seitenfluss, der Egau und einer alten Bahntrasse entlang aufs Härtsfeld zurück ins Brenztal.

Bike Riding
· Schwäbische Alb
recommended route
25.8 km
1:50 h
103 m
102 m
Die für Familien mit Kindern sehr spannende HöhlenTour führt als Rundweg durchs Brenztal ins Lonetal zu den faszinierenden Höhlen. Ganz nebenbei begegnet man so manch altem herrschaftlichen Sitz.

Bike Riding
· Schwäbische Alb
Krater zu Krater Radweg - vom Steinheimer Becken ins Nördlinger Ries
recommended route
130.2 km
6:00 h
1,245 m
1,216 m
Ergebnis einer Katastrophe vor 14,5 Mio. Jahren: Ein Meteoriteneinschlag schuf das bekannte "Steinheimer Becken", den weltweit am besten erhaltenen Impaktkrater mit Zentralhügel. Zur selben Zeit entstand das "Nördlinger Ries".

Bike Riding
· Schwäbische Alb
recommended route
21.2 km
1:15 h
87 m
169 m
Auf dem Lokalbahnradweg von Gerstetten nach Amstetten tauchen wir in die über 100-jährige Eisenbahngeschichte der Alb ein.

Bike Riding
· Schwäbische Alb
Brenz-Radweg - Von der Quelle zur Donau
recommended route
56 km
2:45 h
90 m
150 m
Vom Brenztopf, einer der typischen Karstquellen der Schwäbischen Alb, radelt man entlang der Brenz durch eine facettenreiche Landschaft bis zur Mündung der Brenz in die Donau.

Bike Riding
· Schwäbische Alb
KliffTour - vom Brenztal auf die Gerstetter Alb
recommended route
36.6 km
3:30 h
292 m
292 m
Die KliffTour führt durch die Karibik der Urzeit. Die Kräfte der Urmeere und weitere Zeitalter der Erdgeschichte haben eine unglaublich spannende und abwechslungsreiche Landschaft mit Tälern, Kuppen, Riffen und Kliffkante hinterlassen.

Bike Riding
· Schwäbische Alb
Wasser&Stein Tour - übers Härtsfeld
recommended route
44.4 km
5:00 h
323 m
322 m
Die Radtour führt in einer Schleife von der Brenz übers Härtsfeld ins Egautal und wieder zurück. Kloster, Burg und Schloss begleiten unseren Weg und zeugen von einst herrschaftlichen Pfaden.

Bike Riding
· Schwäbische Alb
recommended route
41.5 km
2:59 h
6 m
131 m
Von der Quelle bis zur Mündung entdecken wir auf unserer Radtour durchs Lonetal herrliche Naturvielfalt, urgeschichtliche Höhlen und das UNESCO-Welterbe "Höhlen und Eiszeitkunst der Schwäbischen Alb".
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The district of Heidenheim is located in the east of Baden-Württemberg and borders on Bavaria. The area is characterised by rolling hills, wide fields, dense forests and picturesque river landscapes. This diversity is what makes cycling tours in this region so appealing.
One of the most popular routes is the "Brenz Cycle Path Tour". It leads along the river of the same name, the Brenz, and offers a wonderful way to enjoy nature. For the most part, the trail runs on well-maintained cycle paths and is therefore also suitable for families with children. On the way, you pass idyllic villages such as Nattheim or Königsbronn as well as historical sights such as Hellenstein Castle in Heidenheim.
Another highlight is the "Albuch Cycle Route", which leads through the Albuch region. Here you can experience an impressive scenery of wooded ridges, green valleys and small villages. Particularly worth seeing are the Neresheim Monastery with its baroque basilica and the Egerstauzenbach lookout point.
For mountain bike fans, the "Schertelshöhle Tour" is a good choice. This challenging route leads through the Swabian-Franconian Forest Nature Park and offers spectacular views of the surrounding landscape. The highlight of the tour is a visit to the Schertelshöhle, an impressive dripstone cave.
The best seasons for cycling tours in the district of Heidenheim are spring and summer, when temperatures are pleasantly mild and nature is in full bloom. In autumn you can also admire the colourful play of colours of the deciduous forest.
Overall, it can be said that there are numerous beautiful cycling tours in the district of Heidenheim that are interesting both scenically and culturally. Whether it's a leisurely family tour along the Brenz cycle path or challenging mountain bike routes through the Swabian-Franconian Forest - every cycling enthusiast will find their personal highlight here. So grab your bike and explore this beautiful region!
One of the most popular routes is the "Brenz Cycle Path Tour". It leads along the river of the same name, the Brenz, and offers a wonderful way to enjoy nature. For the most part, the trail runs on well-maintained cycle paths and is therefore also suitable for families with children. On the way, you pass idyllic villages such as Nattheim or Königsbronn as well as historical sights such as Hellenstein Castle in Heidenheim.
Another highlight is the "Albuch Cycle Route", which leads through the Albuch region. Here you can experience an impressive scenery of wooded ridges, green valleys and small villages. Particularly worth seeing are the Neresheim Monastery with its baroque basilica and the Egerstauzenbach lookout point.
For mountain bike fans, the "Schertelshöhle Tour" is a good choice. This challenging route leads through the Swabian-Franconian Forest Nature Park and offers spectacular views of the surrounding landscape. The highlight of the tour is a visit to the Schertelshöhle, an impressive dripstone cave.
The best seasons for cycling tours in the district of Heidenheim are spring and summer, when temperatures are pleasantly mild and nature is in full bloom. In autumn you can also admire the colourful play of colours of the deciduous forest.
Overall, it can be said that there are numerous beautiful cycling tours in the district of Heidenheim that are interesting both scenically and culturally. Whether it's a leisurely family tour along the Brenz cycle path or challenging mountain bike routes through the Swabian-Franconian Forest - every cycling enthusiast will find their personal highlight here. So grab your bike and explore this beautiful region!

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