The district of Heidenheim in Germany offers numerous opportunities for racing bike tours. The geographical location of the district is characterised by a varied landscape that is perfect for road cycling. From gentle hills to challenging climbs, there is everything here to make the heart of a passionate cyclist beat faster.
Maps and trails
The 10 most beautiful road cycling routes in Heidenheim

Road Cycling
· Schwäbische Alb
Rennradtour "Albtäler"
recommended route
179.7 km
12:30 h
2,125 m
2,125 m
Der Albtäler führt als erster vom ADFC mit vier-Sternen ausgezeichneter Qualitätsradweg auf der Schwäbischen Alb durch die schönsten Täler im Geopark. Eine für Rennradfahrer ausgearbeitete Strecke soll nun auch den Rennradfahrern die Möglichkeit bieten, die Schwäbische Alb in ihrer ganzen vielfalt auf sportliche Art kennen zu lernen.

Road Cycling
· Schwäbische Alb
Dewangen-Kapfenburg-Härtsfeld August 2018
recommended route
89.7 km
4:43 h
904 m
904 m
sportlich aber keine Berziegentour mit schöner Landschaft und guten Strassen
Road Cycling
· Bayerisch-Schwaben
Gropper- Rennradrunde am 15.09.2019
87.1 km
4:38 h
655 m
660 m
Start am Firmenparkplatz Ost nach Obergaishard über Leiheim vorbei am Reiterhof in Zoltingen nach Amerdingen bis Eglingen.
Dann rechts ab nach Hofen von dort über Frickingen vorbei an Hohlenstein und Ohmenheim nach Dehlingen.
Über Härtsfeldhausen den Riesrand hinab ins Röhrbachtal zur gleichnamigen Mühle, hier wird eine Rast eingelegt.
Von hieraus immer den Ipf zur linken nach Kirchheim im Ries und von dort nach Wallerstein.
Hier führt unser Weg mitten durch das Ries nach Löpsingen und weiter nach Deinigen und Alerheim nach Mönchsdeggingen.
Ab hier geht es abermals über den Riesrand in umgekehrter Richtung nach Untermagerbein und zurück nach Bissingen mit unserem Ziel, dem Gasthof Maikäfer in Buggenhofen.
Ich wünsche allen viel Spaß bei der Tour.
Road Cycling
· Schwäbische Alb
Steinheim, Böhmenkirch, Essingen, Itzelberg
88.3 km
4:53 h
682 m
683 m
Schöne Rundtour über Bartholomä, Essingen und Itzelberg mit 680 hm

Road Cycling
· Bayerisch-Schwaben
Etappe 1: Ulm Crailsheim - auf den Weg zur Strandperle
104.7 km
5:32 h
430 m
495 m
Etappe 1. Auf den Weg zur Strandperle nach Hamburg.
Route von „10.0380 Ost, 48.4046 Nord“ nach „zum Bahnhof, 74564 Crailsheim“
Road Cycling
· Bodensee (BW)
Überlingen-Nürnberg 2018
362.5 km
19:18 h
2,253 m
2,360 m
Überlingen-Nürnberg 2018
Memmingen 95 km
Ulm 150 km
Nördlingen 260 km
Road Cycling
· Schwäbische Alb
950hm Aufwachtour 13.06.2021 05:29:03
36.4 km
2:01 h
954 m
1,006 m
Road Cycling
· Allgäu
Kaufbeuren Faßberg 1, Kaufbeuren-Nördlingen
127.5 km
6:36 h
398 m
675 m
Rennradtour in 5 Tagen von Kaufbeuren nach Faßberg.
Kaufbeuren Nördlingen
Nördlingen Schweinfurt
Schweinfurt Eschwege/Nenntershausen
Nenntershausen Hannover/Sehnde
Sehnde Faßberg

Road Cycling
· Schwäbische Alb
Eselsburger Tal Runde vom Eselsberg
89 km
4:45 h
547 m
593 m
Eselsburger Tal Runde vom Eselsberg
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One of the most beautiful racing bike routes in the district of Heidenheim leads along the Brenz. This idyllic river landscape not only offers an impressive backdrop, but also a pleasant route with little traffic and many places worth seeing along the way. The starting point of this tour is usually Heidenheim itself, from where you cycle north along the Brenz, passing charming villages such as Herbrechtingen or Giengen.
Another highlight for racing cyclists in the district of Heidenheim are the Swabian Alb Mountains. Here you will find some challenging climbs as well as breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. Particularly recommended is the route around the Katzenstein Pass, which is a real highlight for every ambitious cyclist with its steep serpentines and tight bends.
The best seasons for racing bike tours in the district of Heidenheim are spring and summer, when the weather is pleasantly warm and nature is in full bloom. Autumn can also be very beautiful, as the colourful leaves then create a magical atmosphere. In winter, on the other hand, one should be careful, as dangerous conditions can arise due to snow and icy roads.
In summary, the district of Heidenheim in Germany offers ideal conditions for racing bike tours. With varied routes along the Brenz river or through the Swabian Alb mountains, cyclists can live out their passion here. Especially in spring and summer, these tours entice with pleasant weather and impressive natural scenery. So grab your road bike and explore the scenic diversity of the Heidenheim district!
Another highlight for racing cyclists in the district of Heidenheim are the Swabian Alb Mountains. Here you will find some challenging climbs as well as breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. Particularly recommended is the route around the Katzenstein Pass, which is a real highlight for every ambitious cyclist with its steep serpentines and tight bends.
The best seasons for racing bike tours in the district of Heidenheim are spring and summer, when the weather is pleasantly warm and nature is in full bloom. Autumn can also be very beautiful, as the colourful leaves then create a magical atmosphere. In winter, on the other hand, one should be careful, as dangerous conditions can arise due to snow and icy roads.
In summary, the district of Heidenheim in Germany offers ideal conditions for racing bike tours. With varied routes along the Brenz river or through the Swabian Alb mountains, cyclists can live out their passion here. Especially in spring and summer, these tours entice with pleasant weather and impressive natural scenery. So grab your road bike and explore the scenic diversity of the Heidenheim district!

Gropper- Rennradrunde am 15.09.2019 by Sven
March 28, 2021
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Steinheim, Böhmenkirch, Essingen, Itzelberg by Michael
October 06, 2018
Route done on August 10, 2018
Dewangen-Kapfenburg-Härtsfeld August 2018 by olaf
August 06, 2018
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Parts of this content were machine translated using German as the source language