You’’ll remember your vacation in Ariège forever. Find information about long-distance hikes in our Travel Guide and be sure to add your own content by using our Route Planner to publish and share your best routes with others.
Maps and trails
The most beautiful long-distance hikes in Ariège

Long-Distance Hiking
· Occitania
The Cathar Trail GR®367
recommended route
204.5 km
59:35 h
6,865 m
6,075 m
Created in 1985, the Cathar Trail links Port la Nouvelle (Aude) and Foix (Ariège) at the foot of the Pyrenees. This route is one of the most emblematic of the Pyrenees.

Long-Distance Hiking
Der Pfad der Guten Menschen (GR-107)
recommended route
Multi-stage route
234.3 km
81:50 h
9,868 m
10,623 m
Der „Camí dels Bons Homes“ (Pfad der Guten Menschen) ist eine grenzüberschreitende Wanderroute von 220 km, die die Pyrenäen vom Heiligtum von Queralt (Berga, in Katalonien) nach Foix (Ariège) durchquert.

Long-Distance Hiking
· Pyrenees
GR® 10 - Crossing the Pyrenees from Hendaye to Banyuls
recommended route
925.4 km
347:28 h
52,679 m
52,685 m
The GR®10 is a signposted long-distance footpath that crosses the Pyrenees from west to east, from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean.About 900 km long in total, it represents a magnificent classic for walkers.

Long-Distance Hiking
· France
GR 10: Pyrenees Trail
recommended route
838.5 km
338:00 h
49,963 m
49,966 m
The legendary long-distance hiking trail G10, which connects the Atlantic with the Mediterranean along the Pyrenean ridge, makes the hearts of passionate long-distance hikers beat faster. You ll hike through one of the most beautiful mountains in the world.

Long-Distance Hiking
· Spain
Katahrerweg, Camí dels Bons Homes oder Fernwanderweg GR107
recommended route
189 km
64:35 h
9,333 m
9,154 m
Der GR107 ist die Überschreittung der Pyrenäen auf Historischen Pfaden von Foix(Fra) nach Berga(Spa).

Long-Distance Hiking
· France
HEXATREK : The French Thru Hiking Trail
recommended route
Multi-stage route
3,041 km
999:00 h
136,300 m
136,700 m
HexaTrek is a 3034 km thru-hiking trail and 136.000m of ascent linking 14 of the most beautiful French natural parks and crossing France from the Vosges to the Pyrenees.

Long-Distance Hiking
· Spain
HRP - Haute Randonnée Pyrenées
recommended route
761.4 km
350:00 h
46,300 m
46,300 m
Toller Fernwanderweg entlang des Pyrenäen-Hauptkamms, immer zwischen Frankreich und Spanien wechselnd von Hendaye (F) am Atlantik bis nach Banyuls sur Mer (F) am Mittelmeer
ca. 45 Etappen, 750 km, je 50.000 Hm bergauf und -ab

Long-Distance Hiking
· Ariège
GR®107 - Chemin des Bonshommes (Ariège)
recommended route
115.3 km
38:00 h
5,664 m
3,943 m
Trait d'union entre Méditerranée et Atlantique, les Pyrénées sont souvent perçues du nord au sud comme une barrière infranchissable. Et pourtant, depuis des siècles, les hommes circulent d'un versant à l'autre, faisant fi des frontières administratives et des chemins escarpés pour échanger marchandises, idées, savoirs et rêves…

Long-Distance Hiking
· Spain
Camí de l'últim càtar
189.7 km
62:57 h
6,828 m
7,161 m
Es handelt sich um eine Route mit internationalem Charakter. Sie verläuft auf gut markierten Wegen, wie den Fernwanderwegen GR 107, GR 150, GR 11 und dessen französischer Variante (die Verbindung zum GR 10), dem Wegenetz des Naturparks Alt Pirineu und dem Wanderwegenetz von l’Arieja.

Long-Distance Hiking
· France
Die Giganten der 3 Nationen
70.9 km
30:25 h
5,569 m
5,541 m
Von 4 bis 6 Tagen, um die höchsten Gipfel Kataloniens, Andorra und des Départements Ariège zu besteigen. Es gibt mehrere Schutzhütten zur Überwindung von bis zu 70 km und 6.000 m Höhenunterschied Spaziergang durch den Pyrenäenpark der drei Nationen.
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Open the Route PlannerReviews
Der Pfad der Guten Menschen (GR-107) by Bela
Photo: Bela Elbich, Community
Photo: Bela Elbich, Community
Photo: Bela Elbich, Community
January 02, 2023
perfectly empty in wintertime and plenty of water. Long days, but technically not challenging. Beautiful views and the path is well marked
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Route done on December 19, 2022
Der Pfad der Guten Menschen (GR-107) by Chris
Photo: Chris Auster, Community
Photo: Chris Auster, Community
Photo: Chris Auster, Community
June 14, 2019
This trail is great, it’s a challenge though and should be done by well equipped and trained individuals. We came here in early June and there were hardly any other people on the trek. On the direct route there is no possibility to buy water or food. However, you will find some fountains on the way, supplying refreshing water from the mountains. Still, as these are rare, make sure to bring enough water.
If you like challenging hikes with rewarding and breathtaking views, this is a very recommendable trek. We loved it!
Hotels are easily available during this time of the year.
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Route done on June 09, 2019