Attractions in Gestiès
The GR®10 is a signposted long-distance footpath that crosses the Pyrenees from west to east, from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean.About 900 km ...
The legendary long-distance hiking trail G10, which connects the Atlantic with the Mediterranean along the Pyrenean ridge, makes the hearts of ...
The route of the passes allows you to cross the entire Pyrenees, from West to East, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea.
Through forest, over valley meadows and pastures, then up to the Siguer pass and a mountain lake in a remote high valley. A hike through a ...
Ruta circular desde el valle de Rialb, con salida en el pk de Sorteny, por el port deBanyells, lago de Soulanet, subida al Toumasset, y vuelta por ...
A approximation of the GR10
Parc naturel régional des Pyrénées ariégeoises - Gestiès - Traouc del Minier Balade sur le GR10 puis en direction d’une ancienne mine abandonnée.
Trip planning
Getting there