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Maps and trails
The most beautiful long-distance hikes in Alsace

Long-Distance Hiking
· Pfalz
Kulinarische Wanderung von Böbingen nach Hauenstein
recommended route
141.5 km
43:30 h
4,068 m
3,935 m
Mehrtageswanderung (9) von Böbingen nach Hauenstein - Wandern auf schmalen Waldpädel - Schlemmern in guten Gasthäusern - Wellness für Körper und Seele - Schorle trinken in jeder Hütte am Rand des Weges - Felsen mit wunderschönen Ausblicken - Burgen mit Geschichten - Wald und Wiesen genießen - Bubu Pausen an besonders schönen Plätzen

Long-Distance Hiking
· Massif des Vosges
Crossing the Vosges Mountains - Stage 17 - Thann - Ballon d'Alsace
recommended route
Stage 17
27.8 km
8:00 h
1,539 m
632 m
Leaving from Thann, you'll make your way to the Ballon d'Alsace, peaking at an elevation of 1247 m with a 360° panoramic view. This summit is at the crossroads of two regions and four departments. There are still traces of the old borders between Germany and France. It is also a Natura 2000 site. Discover a statue of the Virgin Mary from 1870, a statue of Joan of Arc from 1909 and a 1952 monument dedicated to the mine clearers who died for France.

Long-Distance Hiking
· Massif des Vosges
Crossing the Vosges Mountains - Stage 14 - Le Bonhomme - Col de la Schlucht
recommended route
Stage 14
19.4 km
6:15 h
872 m
415 m
Starting in the village of Le Bonhomme, the path winds up to the ridge. In Le Tanet, enjoy a 360° view. The stage finishes at the Col de la Schlucht mountain pass.

Long-Distance Hiking
· Massif des Vosges
Crossing the Vosges Mountains - Stage 13 - Ribeauvillé - Le Bonhomme
recommended route
Stage 13
27.2 km
8:45 h
1,148 m
702 m
Ribeauvillé, with its spa and casino, is perfect for rest and relaxation. The trail then heads into the forest, crossing several mountain passes on the way to the village of Le Bonhomme.

Long-Distance Hiking
· Massif des Vosges
Crossing the Vosges Mountains - Stage 07 - Saverne - Wangenbourg- Engenthal
recommended route
Stage 7
17.5 km
5:40 h
580 m
830 m
Head out on a beautiful discovery of the foothills of the Vosges and some of its most beautiful sites, including the fortified castles of Wangenbourg and Nideck, the summit of the Schneeberg and the Nideck waterfall. On your way to Urmatt, a visit to the Saint-Florent Collegiate Church in Niederhaslach is well worth the detour.

Long-Distance Hiking
· Massif des Vosges
Crossing the Vosges Mountains - Stage 06 - Saverne - Wangenbourg - Engenthal
recommended route
Stage 6
25.7 km
7:00 h
874 m
570 m
Discover rich historical heritage on this stage starting in Saverne, including the castles of Hohbarr, Geroldseck and Wangenbourg, as well as a Chappe telegraph tower, the communication link between Strasbourg and Paris between 1798 and 1852. Further on, the Tour du Brotsch tower offers a magnificent panoramic view, as does Dabo Rock, an impressive block of pink sandstone with a chapel dedicated to Pope Leo IX on its summit. The day ends in the lovely high-altitude resort of Wangenbourg-Engenthal.

Long-Distance Hiking
· Massif des Vosges
Crossing the Vosges Mountains - Stage 5 - La Petite Pierre - Saverne
recommended route
Stage 5
21.1 km
5:45 h
443 m
622 m
The exceptional houses in the rocks of Graufthal can be seen just after La Petite-Pierre.

Long-Distance Hiking
· Alsace
Crossing the Vosges Mountains - Stage 3 - Niederbronn les Bains - Lichtenberg
recommended route
Stage 3
19 km
5:00 h
812 m
664 m
After an evening of relaxation in Niederbronn-les-Bains, the route continues through the forest where you'll discover new castles and their history. The stage finishes in the village of Lichtenberg, overlooked by its imposing 13th century castle. The castle features both traditional and modern architecture and houses a heritage centre.

Long-Distance Hiking
· Alsace
Vogesenkammweg - Sektion 3 - GR53 / GR5 - Mittlere Vogesen: Saverne - Schirmeck
recommended route
72.9 km
21:57 h
2,531 m
2,415 m
Nach wie vor geht es durch ausgedehnte Wälder, diesmal ist allerdings etwas mehr Kletterei vonnöten. Der Schneeberg (960 müNN), der Rocher de Mutzig (1010 müNN) und der Donon (1008 müNN) werden bestiegen.

Long-Distance Hiking
· Guebwiller
Hiking in Alsace: Tour of the Grand Ballon in 3 days
recommended route
59.6 km
19:00 h
2,178 m
2,156 m
You are athletic and you like adventure, opt for the great hike of the Tour du Grand Ballon in 3 days for a total distance of 55 km with around 20 km of walking per day.
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Pfälzer Waldpfad Complete Trail by Martin
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Photo: Wolfgang Jost, Community
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