Winter hike to the Malerwinkel at Königssee
Common winter hike through the Berchtesgaden National Park to the Malerwinkel with a beautiful view over the Königssee
The leisurely circular walk along the shore of Lake Königssee leads past the Seeklause. At the time of active forestry at the Königssee, this could be opened to transport the felled tree trunks across the Königsseer Ache. The hike also takes us past the landing stage of the Königsseeschifffahrt, from where a trip across Lake Königssee is possible all year round on one of the 18 electrically operated boats. Soon afterwards we enter the Berchtesgaden National Park, which was founded in 1978 for nature conservation, environmental education, research and recreation. There are around 250 km of hiking trails to discover in the 21,000 hectare area, which stretches from just below the Kehlsteinhaus to the Reiteralpe. The goal of the hike is the "Malerwinkel" vantage point on the northern shore of the Königssee. From here we can see as far as the pilgrimage church of St. Bartolomä and the Schönfeldspitze in the Steinernes Meer. This view has inspired several artists to create a picture of the
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