To Hohnstein Castle and the Lilienstein
This tour, which is quite strenuous due to the ascents, takes us through the Sächsische Schweiz National Park. There are impressive views from Hohnstein Castle and the striking table mountain of the Lilienstein.
We start our bike tour in Bad Schandau at the National Park Centre and head north on Marktstrasse. At the end of the street we turn left into Zaukenstrasse. At the next crossroads we take the right-hand bend and follow Sebnitzer Strasse, leaving Bad Schandau behind us. Now the road goes uphill. At the junction above Bad Schandau, keep left and continue on Schandauer Strasse. At the road towards Rathmannsdorf, which we cross, we have completed the first ascent and can let it roll down into the Sebnitztal valley. At the bottom of the valley we pass the linoleum factory and the old Goßdorf-Kohlmühle railway station (1), cross the tracks and then turn left. As far as Hohnstein, follow the markings „yellow dot on white background“. Now the trail goes steeply uphill to Goßdorf. We cross Goßdorf, a district of Hohnstein, on the mountain road. At the end of the village we take a look back at the striking Schrammsteine. The route then descends briefly, but the next ascent is not long in coming.
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