You’’ll remember your vacation at Lisula in Corsica forever. Find information about bike rides in our Travel Guide and be sure to add your own content by using our Route Planner to publish and share your best routes with others.
Maps and trails
The 10 most beautiful bike rides at Lisula in Corsica

Bike Riding
· Corsica
Vom korsischen Meer in die Berge
recommended route
Stage 3
61.5 km
7:30 h
1,173 m
875 m
Auf dieser schönen Radtour gilt es die Berglandschaft von Korsika in aller Einsamkeit zu erkunden.

Bike Riding
· Corsica
Von Belgodère nach Calenzana
recommended route
Stage 4
43 km
4:30 h
363 m
399 m
Die Strecke führt durch die korsische Berglandschaft und durch die authentischen Dörfer, die mit ihrem mediterranen Flair die perfekte Kulisse für eine ausgiebige Radtour bilden.

Bike Riding
· Upper Corsica
Intense 1 : Palasca - Losari
recommended route
10.2 km
0:20 h
10 m
470 m
The Balagne destination can be discovered by bike with the GT20. From the Agriate to the shores of Galeria, discover the beauties of Corsica and the two-wheeled Balagne. This route allows you to reach Losari from Palasca.

Bike Riding
· Upper Corsica
Ville di Paraso - L'Île-Rousse
recommended route
15.3 km
0:45 h
160 m
500 m
The Balagne destination can be discovered by bike with the GT20. From the Agriate to the shores of Galeria, discover the beauties of Corsica and the two-wheeled Balagne. This route allows you to reach Île-Rousse from Ville di Paraso.

Bike Riding
· Upper Corsica
Intense 2 : Belgodere - Losari
recommended route
9.2 km
0:20 h
10 m
300 m
The Balagne destination can be discovered by bike with the GT20. From the Agriate to the shores of Galeria, discover the beauties of Corsica and the two-wheeled Balagne. This route allows you to reach Losari from Belgodere.

Bike Riding
· France
Korsika Balange Belgodere
48.6 km
5:09 h
755 m
755 m
Korsika Balange mit tollen Blicken
Bike Riding
· France
Magic trails Bike Travel / Corsica - Galeria to Ostriconi
79.6 km
6:25 h
1,016 m
1,010 m
Tour Impressions
Cycling Corsica
Bike Riding
· France
Magic trails Bike Travel / Corsica - Ostriconi to Macinaggio
107.7 km
8:20 h
1,419 m
1,419 m
Tour Impressions
Cycling Corsica
Bike Riding
· France
Radtour Korsika
3. Etappe
62.1 km
5:32 h
1,163 m
815 m
Hôtel Le Niobel Lieu dit Aghjola, Belgodère 9,4 Hervorragend
Bike Riding
· France
CORSICA (FRA) 2019 - 03
50.8 km
11:32 h
520 m
497 m
Saint Florent>Lotu>Saleccia>Lozari>Ile Rousse
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