Activities in Palasca
Attractions in Palasca
Impressive coastal hike through the most barren piece of land on the island. Rocks and maquis characterise the landscape. The area was once used ...
Short, scenic hike to two viewpoints above the Ostriconi stand
The GT 20 is to cycling adventure what the GR 20 is to hiking. It's a "Grande Traversée" of Corsica designed specifically to be cycled on a road ...
This mountain tour takes you past bathing beaches and through the semi-desert Désert des Agriates.
Auf dieser schönen Radtour gilt es die Berglandschaft von Korsika in aller Einsamkeit zu erkunden.
The GT 20 "Grande Traversée" is a cycle touring route of 600 km, 12 stages and 9500 metres of ascent, which crosses Corsica from north to south.
Circuit takes you to Lake Codole, which sits in the middle of the Regino valley, then to the villages of inland Balagne before returning by the ...
Trip planning
Getting there