Circuit Gravel - In the heart of the Anjou low valleys
Starting in Villevêque (Rives-du-Loir-en-Anjou), hop on your gravel bike and set off for 37km of freedom and discovery along the Loir and Sarthe rivers. Extend your adventure with the Nature is Bike Experience!
Need to get away from it all? Then the Basses Vallées Angevines is the place for you! Discover an exceptional playground where protected plants and animals have made their home, starting in Villevêque.
As you pass through Briollay, take a look at the educational marsh and enjoy a magnificent view of the Basses vallées angevines and its wetlands, which are flooded for part of the year. As you slalom between the different river banks, you'll finally be able to make out the Engrenage-moulin de Villevêque in the distance, the finish line where you can cool off in the Les Tonnelles dance hall!
Author’s recommendation
37 km circuit - Gravel or mountain bikes recommended - easy to moderate level. Good physical condition required.
Open route, unmarked, self-guided.
For information, the Roche Foulques ferry is not accessible from November to March.
Under no circumstances may this route or the associated gpx trail be shared without mentioning Destination Angers.
Track types
Rest stops
Les TonnellesLe Kiviv
Guinguette du Moulin de la Boire
La guinguette Mazette
L’Attilio Angers
L’Attilio Le Bistrot
Safety information
In an emergency, dial 112.
Tips and suggestions
Open trail, unmarked, self-guided
Departure point: car park near the Engrenage-moulin de Villevêque (Rives-du-Loir-en-Anjou)
Kilometres: 37 km
Direction: north-east of Angers
Recommended period: March to November
Recommended duration: 2h30-3h with breaks
Find out more about accommodation with the Accueil Vélo label on
Think about carpooling.
Parking close to the starting point.
Before setting off :
- Make sure the bike is in perfect mechanical condition, not forgetting the tyres and brakes
- Make sure the bike is properly adjusted to your body shape.
- Wearing a helmet is highly recommended
- Take a repair kit with you
- Remember that the Highway Code applies to cyclists in all circumstances
- Never ride with more than two people abreast, and keep to a single lane when traffic conditions make this necessary
- Respect other road users as you would like them to respect you
- Choose a route suited to your physical abilities
- Inform those around you of your route
- Find out about the weather conditions
- A first aid kit is not essential, but can be very useful
- Know and keep the emergency numbers.
- Respect the environment by not throwing food packaging on the side of the road.
- If you have to return home after dark, make sure you can see and be seen.
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