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The Eucharistic procession following the service. At 4 altars the procession stopped, the Gospels were sung, the intercessions were made and the ...
This trail follows the long-distance hiking trail 07 - Ostösterreichischer Grenzlandweg in a south-north direction. The total length of the Ostösterr.
Grand city tour of Vienna in a traditional Fiaker
The tour to the best wine wineries in Vienna runs from the foot of the Bisamberg in the north-east of the city to Nußdorf on the Nußberg and via ...
In the Catholic lands of the Habsburgs, the huge monastery residences of Klosterneuburg, Melk, Göttweig, St. Florian and Kremsmünster were ...
Nice, flat gravel bike tour through the Marchfeld and along the Marchfeld Canal.
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1010 Wien
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