How does the Route Finder work?
The Route Finder will help you find all kinds of content; Routes, mountain huts, and accommodation. You can also filter for keywords that are relevant to your trip e.g. a place, region, or summit. Simply enter a term in the search field and a list of results will be displayed. For example, searching for "Zugspitze" will take you directly to the summit on the map along with all routes.
How the search results are displayed
The result of a search using the Route Finder is a list of suggested routes that can be viewed in a number of ways.
The "Map" view allows you to see exactly where the starting points of the routes are as well as their geometry. The best routes are displayed with a larger icon including an activity icon. Other content is displayed with smaller colored "dots" in the color of the activity. This is to make sure that your map does not look too crowded. In addition, the dots give you information about where further content is located. Viewing the map gives you a large-scale overview. In addition, initial information about the routes is displayed on the left side.
If you want to compare as many route suggestions as possible along with some basic information such as length and duration, the "List" view can be used.
Finally, the "Gallery" view provides a preview image and basic information about each route. This gives you a good overview of all search results.
Refining your results using the filter
If the number of route suggestions is too large and the content too general, you have a number of options for refining your search and tailoring it to your preferences by applying filters. After hitting 'Filter' just below the search field, the main options, 'Category' and 'Difficulty', are displayed. Clicking on an activity opens a further list of more specific outdoor sports that are considered to be related.
You can expand your preferences and narrow results even further by filtering for 'Special features' such as 'refreshment stops available', 'family-Friendly' or 'top routes'. Desired distances and durations can also be specified.
You can choose to display all available results in the language you are currently using, or expand the search results to include content that is in other languages.
Good to know
How does the route finder work in the app?
There are two ways to enter the Route Finder in the app:
1. Start directly on the map. Use the search window at the top of the screen or tap on the green button "Show content". Content is shown and you also activate the Route Finder.
2. Click on the menu in the upper left corner. You can filter directly by categories: Routes, Huts, Points of interest, Accommodation, and Ski Resorts. The results are then displayed on the map.
In the app you can view the results on the map or as a list. You can change the view by clicking on "Map" or "List" in the bottom center of the screen.
If the button "Show content" is activated, you can move the map to any location - you are in auto search mode. All content on the section of the map you are viewing will be displayed. Above the map or list there are filters for the search. These filters will be remembered during your search. If you click the button "Hide content" the search will no longer be done automatically. The results displayed on the map works as follows: the best results are displayed with larger, colored activity icons. In addition, smaller, colored "dots" are displayed to symbolize more content. To see more, just zoom further into the map.
If you activate an additional filter criterion, it will be displayed in dark gray. For example, if you select "Routes", you can now also select sub-categories such as hiking route, bike Riding, mountain biking, etc. (Only categories of routes available in the area you are searching will be shown). By tapping on "Filter" you can access the fine-tuning. When you have made the fine adjustments using the filter, tap "Apply filter". You are now back on the map.
You can also search for places on the map. Enter the place you want to find in the search field at the top of the screen and then tap on one of the "Results" or use the "Filter" to further narrow your search.