Hiking in Catania is one of the most popular ways to discover the second largest city in Sicily. The region is characterised by the volcano Ätna, visible from afar, which is the starting point for many different hiking tours. But even away from the volcano, attractive tours around Catania are open to you. From lesser-known vantage points such as Monte Zoccolaro and Monte SImone, you have a great view of the Ätna massif and can see as far as the Mediterranean Sea.
Maps and trails
The 10 most beautiful hikes in the province of Catania

Hiking route
· Sicily
Ätna Round Trip
Premium content
6.1 km
2:30 h
434 m
430 m
On this circular walk we will go on a voyage of discovery around Ätna - the highest active volcano in Europe and symbol of Sicily.

Hiking route
· Italy
Hike on Monte Simone
recommended route
7.1 km
4:00 h
460 m
460 m
Hike on the north side of Etna. Start directly at the Rifúgio Citelli. Approx. 4 hours round trip and 460 metres in altitude. On the descent, you can easily ski down the loose scree of a lava flow.

Hiking route
· Italy
Monte Zoccolaro
recommended route
2.2 km
1:05 h
256 m
256 m
Vom Parkplatz am Ende der Via Monte Pomiciario auf den Monte Zoccolaro und zurück.

Hiking route
· Italy
recommended route
8.2 km
3:30 h
769 m
766 m
Anstrengende Wanderung auf einen kleinen Gipfel Montagnola mit tollem Blick auf den rauchenden Vulkan. Unter den Bildern findet ihr ein informatives Video zur Tour

Hiking route
· Italy
Etna Nord
recommended route
6.5 km
2:54 h
586 m
607 m
Kurze Rundwanderung mit Startpunkt Rifugio citello.
Einstieg vor der letzten Kurve der Zufahrtsstraße. Rechts bergan durch einen Birkenwald immer der roten Markierung folgen.
Fleece und Wanderschuhe sind notwendig. Lange Hose für Abstieg über Lavageröllfeld ist hilfreich. Da bleiben die kleinen spitzen Steine außerhalb der Schuhe...

Hiking route
· Italy
Abstieg am Ätna
recommended route
6 km
1:30 h
1 m
893 m
Nachdem wir mit einem Offroad-Kastenwagen vom Piano Provenzano zum Nord-Krater des Ätna (Osservatore) hochgefahren worden waren (der Hauptkrater war angeblich noch wegen Schnees unzugänglich), fuhren wir wieder ein Stück weit hinab und gingen den Rest zu Fuß.

Hiking route
· Italy
Autour des volcans Sartorius
recommended route
8 km
1:55 h
166 m
168 m
Balade autour des volcans Sartorius

Hiking route
· Province of Catania
Ätna Nordauffahrt und Kraterwanderung
recommended route
25.2 km
6:00 h
1,516 m
1,519 m
Highlight Ätna Gipfelkrater-Trekking

Hiking route
· Province of Catania
Escursione panoramica alla grotta Serracozzo
recommended route
3.4 km
1:20 h
193 m
192 m
Percorso abbastanza facile ad eccezione dell’attraversamento di due canaloni

Hiking route
· Italy
Etna (da Piano Provenzana a Crateri Centrali)
recommended route
20.5 km
8:04 h
1,493 m
1,492 m
Partenza da Piano Provenzana (1800 mt) con particolare mezzo fuoristrada ed accompagnati da guide alpine è stata raggiunta quota 2800 mt (prima di Pizzi Dèneri). Da qui si è proseguito a piedi fino a quota 3300 mt con visita ai crateri: Voragine, Bocca Nuova, Crateri di Centrali. Rientro a piedi fino a Piano Provenzava attraverso il sentiero (non segnato) 622 Piano delle Concazze. Registrato il 13 ago 2022 08:05:42
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Sicily, Italy
Mountain hikes in the province of Catania
You’’ll remember your vacation in the province of Catania forever. Find information about mountain hikes in our Travel ...
Outdooractive Editors
Etna Nord by Reinhard
October 20, 2023
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Route done on October 14, 2023
North Etna Lava Flow Circular by Andy
August 05, 2023
Ätna-Wanderung by Anja
November 05, 2022
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